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fazna posted in #python #project

test - solving challenges

challenges solving test etst etst etst challenges solving test etst etst etst challenges solving test etst etst etst challenges solving test etst etst etstchallenges solving test etst etst etstchallen

anonymous posted in #python #project

BlackJack for Reddit

This is a blackjack simulator. I am an entry level programmer and I am looking to improve. Please feel free to share any thoughts on my code. I think my next steps are to make it more modular by creat

azrina posted in #html #css #beginners #project

Fade In Text Animation Using Html And CSS

This is a simple Fade In Text Animation Using Html And CSS Only Html and CSS used here. When you specify CSS styles inside the  keyframes rule, the animation will gradually change from the current sty

azrina posted in #html #css #javascript #project #beginners

Simple But amazing Animated Eyes Follow Mouse Cursor using Vanilla Javascript

Naturally, we humans are happy to see other people in danger, Which is not desirable at all, This project is like my protest against this type of mentality. This is a very simple but cute looking Anim

azrina posted in #css #styles #project #html

Simple Social Accounts Link Button Design Using CSS

This is an simple but awsome looking Social Accounts Link Button with some cute hover effect using css You can try this can use these button into your portfolio site or anywhere you want Feel Free to

anonymous posted in #python #project

Python Chat wakakaw

Ini adalah code python nggk jelas yg saya buat jadi gini doang mantap daan gitu lah ini yg penting ada 100 characters dan gitulah yg penting halaman kosong ini terisi dengan sesuatu g jelas trsrah apa

azrina posted in #javascript #project #html #css #beginners

Digital Clock by me Using Vanilla Javascript

This is a very cute looking digital clock I have used vanilla javascript to do so Function Description function clock      var hours   document getElementById hour   var minutes   document getElementB

shihab posted in #javascript #snippets #beginners #project #html

Input Your Name and See Funny Avatar of Yours

Last few days is was busy with my online exams so after coming back to javascript i decided to build something funny so that a can recall all the things that i have learned last few days Here I have U

shihab posted in #css #styles #beginners #project

Very Simple Loader Ring Using HTLM and CSS Animation

This a very simple loader circle using HTML and CSS In our web page in case of loading we can use this CSS Animations An animation lets an element gradually change from one style to another You can ch

mirlabibhossain99 posted in #javascript #beginners #html #css #project

Email address Format Checker using RegEx in JavaScript

What is RegEx Simply it is short form of Regular Expression My regEx   w w w w w I am going to check the format of my inputted value with the regular expression each time user press any key from key b

shihab posted in #javascript #project #html #css #beginners

A super simple drag and drop by me using vanilla javascript

Drag and drop on of my favourite functionality so lets build a simple drag and drop functionality using vanilla javascript We will take a look at drag events in JavaScript to be able to create drag an

shihab posted in #javascript #html #css #beginners #project

A simple Age Calculator by me using Javascript

We all knows that age is just a number But we often try to calculate our actual age for that i have created a simple age calculator using javascript This is a simple calculator using vanilla javascrip

shihab posted in #javascript #beginners #project #html #css

New Year Countdown Clock by me using JavaScript

The year 2020 is not going that much well for anyone, Because of the global pandemic situation, the whole world is kind of of stagnated behind the door. like every other person, I am also eagerly wait

mirlabibhossain99 posted in #javascript #project #html #css #js

Build Awesome Stop Watch using JavaScript & HTML/CSS

Hello here is a project i will suggest beginner learners to try My solution Calling my function watchtime with a setInterval of 9 Why 9 Instead of 10 In my case it didn t showed exact interval using 1

mirlabibhossain99 posted in #javascript #css #html #js #beginners #project

Let's Create and Play TicTacToe Game | using JavaScript and HTML/CSS

This is one of the beginner level project Which is pretty simple and fun to build and of course fun to play TicTacToe In my code i tried to keep my HTML CSS and JS as clean as possible html Here i use

mirlabibhossain99 posted in #javascript #html #css #js #project

RGB Color Generator using JavaScript and HTML/CSS

RGB Colors RGB color values are supported in all browsers An RGB color value is specified with rgb red green blue Each parameter red green and blue defines the intensity of the color as an integer bet

azrina posted in #css #html #beginners #styles #project

My Neon Light Button Designs Using Pure HTML and CSS | Mini Project

Who doesn t like cool neon light designs Here in this example project I have designed few neon buttons using pure html and css Features Neon light for Login Signup Join buttons with hover effect Anima

shihab posted in #javascript #html #css #beginners #project

How I created my first ever responsive image slider in HTML, CSS & Javascript

This is a javaScript function to create slide show here is less design you can design it as your own please share if there is any better way of implement it I wanted to create a basic image slider wit

shihab posted in #javascript #html #css #beginners #project

Simple Signup form with strong username and password validation

This a simple javascript function to validate the name and password as our requirements before the user submit the form In this i have used the Regex To create my requirements  Name Validation functio

mirlabibhossain99 posted in #javascript #html #css #snippets #project

Working with Date and Time in Javascript and My Awesome Digital Clock

I have created a digital clock while learning to work with date and time in javascript Here I wanted to share what I learned and what I used to build this awesome javascript clock My Solution By defau
